Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Energy Recovery Council (ERC) releases 2010 Directory of Waste-to-Energy Plants

The Energy Recovery Council today released the ERC 2010 Directory of Waste-to-Energy Plants, which provides current information about the waste-to-energy sector in the United States. In 2010, 86 plants operate in 24 states and have capacity to process more than 97,000 tons of municipal solid waste per day. According to the latest BioCycle estimates, 26 million tons of trash were processed by waste-to-energy facilities in 2008. While this amount is less than the 28 million tons processed in 2006, it reflects reduced waste generation during difficult economic times rather than decreased waste-to-energy capacity.

The nation’s waste-to-energy facilities have the capacity to generate the energy equivalent of 2,790 megawatt hours of electricity. This figure includes an electric generating capacity of 2,572 megawatts and an equivalent of 218 megawatts based on steam exports estimated at approximately 2.8 million pounds per hour.

ERC 2010 Directory of Waste-to-Energy Plants

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